Memberships and Sponsorships
Joint commitment in the service of our customers
As a respected manufacturer, Kalthoff Luftfilter und Filtermedien GmbH is a long-standing, active member in leading associations and organisations in the field of filter technology.
VDMA In the year 2011, Dr. Badt took over the chairmanship of the VDMA Working Group Air Filters. The Association of German Mechanical and Plant Engineering is Europe's largest industrial Association. More than 3,100 medium-sized companies from the capital goods industrial sectors co-operate here. As a result, VDMA is the largest representative of the interests of industrial employers in Germany, where German mechanical engineering is a leading sector worldwide. |
EUROVENT The European Manufacturers Association concerns itself with technical questions and directives for the air-conditioning and ventilation industry, where more than 1000 members are involved. As expert, EUROVENT provides specialist consultancy support with regard to the politics of air conditioning, environment and health questions. Interests are coordinated with respect to each other in order to generate energy-efficient and sustainable solutions for an improved living quality. |
UNIFE In 2016 we were accepted into the Association of Companies of International Rail Vehicle Manufacturers and Suppliers UNIFE. Since 1992, the Association of the European Railway Industry has represented the European supplier industry of rail transport on an international level. With headquarters in Brussels, UNIFE represents the interests of more than 80 medium-sized and large companies in the railway sector. Kalthoff is involved intensively in the work group of medium-sized companies (SME) and maintains co-operation with the other members regarding their interests. |
INSTITUT FÜR UMWELT & ENERGIE, TECHNIK & ANALYTIK E. V. (IUTA) The IUTA Research Institute specializes in energy and environmental technology, serving as a bridge between fundamental research and industrial application. The goals of the research include both the acquisition of new scientific insights and methods, as well as the transfer of these findings into practice. The IUTA is well-connected with various research institutions, including the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE), the Johannes Rau Research Association (JRF), and the Association of Industrial Research Associations (AiF), providing access to funding from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action. With a locally based research institute, you can find a competent and well-networked partner for organizing and securing funding for application-oriented research. |
VIRTEUM The virtual platform VIRTEUM aims to educate and engage people - particularly young audiences - by offering immersive historical experiences. Through visualized events, VIRTEUM enables users to explore the past, critically assess its relevance to the present, and actively shape the future. This innovative forum provides a space for the diversity of historically rooted identities, exemplified by the unique cultural landscape along the Lippe region between Münsterland and the Ruhr area. |