Kalthoff builds on growth

The construction of the two-storey building shown in the photo on the right (the bird’s view photo shows the status before the start of construction work) allows for a production expansion of about 3.100 m². Kalthoff uses modern, environmentally friendly building technology, which includes the use of rainwater and heating via geothermal energy. In addition, an energy-saving cooling system reduces the peak summer temperatures in the building.

On the top floor, the comprehensively redesigned metal production department has moved into its new location. Here we mainly produce frame components for use in filter production. Expanded machine capacities and improved processes with stronger digital linking will ensure fast processes and high efficiency in the future.

A physical connection of the new complex via a goods transport bridge makes an improvement in the logistical networking of the production departments. Additional local stocks of products increase flexibility and accelerate processes.

The lower basement will provide space for a completely newly developed filter production line from 2022 on. Resource-saving production processes are capable of moving the state of the art in filter production a considerable step further towards the future.

To be continued.

New two-storey building with a possible production expansion of about 3.100 m²